Taiyuan University of Technology

About Taiyuan University of Technology

工作介绍Job Details
1.         学校名 school name     Taiyuan University of Technology
2.         学校性质 school type    Public
3.         学校等级 school level     University
4.         工作地点working place   Taiyuan, Shanxi
5.         工作时间 working period /week  16-18 hours/week
6.         每课时时长 minutes of per class  50 minutes
7.         每周课时数 classes per week    16-18 hours/week
8.         每班学生人数 number of students per class  about 30
9.         学生年龄 student age 18-22
10.     教课内容 course  Oral English, Westen Culture, Writing, Newspaper Reading, etc.
11.     薪资待遇 salary  6000-15000RMB/month
12.     住宿费 accommodation fee  Free Hotel apartment
13.     住宿条件 accommondation facilities   
14.     .签证 Z visa  Yes
15.     加班费 extra income  No extra working hours
16.     16旅游津贴 additional allowance for holiday travel  2200RMB/year
17往返机票 one round trip airline ticket  Round-trip airfare
18事故保险 free accident insurance  Yes
19医疗津贴Meidical Allowance     Medical insurance offered
20接机Pickup from the airport within the province  Yes

Additional Information

  • Contact person: sammi
  • Phone number: 0571-88165968
  • Current location: Other
  • Address: taiyuan
  • Email: 71511115@qq.com

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